Can Dogs Eat Kidney Beans? Are Kidney Beans Good for Dogs?

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wooden scooper full of red kidney beans set on top of a pile of beans

wooden scooper full of red kidney beans set on top of a pile of beans

Can dogs eat kidney beans?   YES! 

It is important to note that raw kidney beans contain a lectin called phytohemagglutinin (PHA) which can cause gastrointestinal upset if ingested in large quantities. Cooked kidney beans, on the other hand, can offer plenty of health benefits to your pet. It is a great source of plant protein and essential vitamins and minerals. To avoid any potential health risks, it is vital that you cook kidney beans thoroughly before feeding them to your pet. Heat drastically reduces the lectin found in kidney beans making them safe to consume in moderation.

Health benefits of feeding kidney beans to dogs

Kidney beans are nutritious and rich in carbohydrates, plant protein, and fiber. The fiber and protein in kidney beans provide a feeling of fullness, while also being low in fat, making them great for pets trying to manage or lose weight. Additionally, kidney beans contain various vitamins and minerals, albeit in small amounts. The antioxidants present in kidney beans help prevent various diseases and cancers, while also maintaining cholesterol levels.

red kidney beans spread across a wooden surface

Main nutritional benefits of feeding kidney beans to dogs

  • Carbohydrates

    Kidney beans are rich in carbohydrates and can promote healthy energy production in dogs.

  • Plant protein

    Kidney beans are a great source oplant protein, making them an ideal addition to your dog's diet as a healthier alternative for protein in their nutritional profile. Protein is crucial for the development and maintenance of important structural components in your dog's body, including their muscles, skin, and hair. Therefore, including kidney beans in your dog's diet can help ensure that they are getting the necessary nutrients for optimal health.

  • Dietary fiber

    The presence of dietary fiber in kidney beans plays a crucial role in promoting a dog's digestive system, ultimately aiding in the prevention of constipation.

  • Various vitamins

    Kidney beans contain vitamins B, K, and C, which can enhance a dog's immune system and aid in essential body functions required for maintaining proper body composition.

  • Various minerals: Kidney beans are a rich source of various essential minerals, including iron, which is necessary for healthy red blood cells, calcium and potassium, which aid in the development of healthy muscles and bones, and magnesium, which supports hormone production.

Can dogs have canned beans or other bean products?

Typically, the preservation process in canned beans contains a high amount of sodium that can be harmful to dogs. Most human bean products will contain various spices and seasonings that are also just as unhealthy for dogs to ingest. It is best to avoid any commercial bean goods to avoid any unwanted symptoms and health concerns.

Some precautions to consider when feeding kidney beans to dogs

Lectin toxicity from feeding raw kidney beans to dogs

Kidney beans contain the highest amount of a toxin known as phytohemagglutinin (PHA), which is a type of lectin, when compared to other common beans. Lectins are proteins that bind to carbohydrates and cause red blood cells to clump together. If your dog consumes a lot of this protein, it can lead to gastrointestinal issues.

Signs of lectin poisoning:

woman holding two handfuls of red kidney beans

High-fiber content

Kidney beans are known for their high fiber content and can cause constipation if fed more than the recommended amount. Constipation can lead to several other symptoms, such as bloating, loss of appetite, and general discomfort.

Best way to serve kidney beans to dogs

It's essential to take some precautions to avoid any potential health risks. To begin with, make sure to soak the beans sufficiently and cook them thoroughly over high heat before feeding them to your pet. Feeding raw kidney beans can result in lectin poisoning, which can cause several digestive symptoms. Cooking the beans thoroughly can help significantly reduce the lectin content and prevent any possible health complications. The best way to serve kidney beans is plain without any seasoning or spices that will disrupt your pet’s digestion.

It is recommended to not overfeed kidney beans because the high-fiber content can also lead to gastrointestinal upset, such as diarrhea and constipation. A good rule of thumb when feeding snacks is to feed less than 10% of your pet’s daily calorie intake. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your dog enjoys kidney beans as a healthy treat without any adverse effects.

Curious if you can feed your dog other foods besides kidney beans?

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